Also recommended . . . .
my FTP site
Here you find lots of data sheets and other useful information. You can easily add files yourself
Triode Dick A very nice informative site with lots of projects ! (Dutch only)
Jan Deckers A nice site with nice projects. (Dutch only)
Doede's pagina A very informative site with a very good DA converter and a high end PHONO stage !
Markinton This site has nice projects ranging from preamp up to speakers! (Dutch only)
Erik de Boer's D.I.Y. Audio Site A beautifull site that shows that DIY audio can have eye catching properties.
'Buizenbakken' theo's D.I.Y. Audio Site Nice projects with lots of nice build amps
John Eekels A 'professional' in making wooden cabinets ! Very nice audio stuf
Tube Jack FM Tuners verheven tot echte high-end kwaliteit voor pure muziek
The Dutch distributer of Benz Micro cardridges
ae-europe My supplyer of top class audio transformers, tubes, capacitors and other usefull stuf.
A shop special for guitar amp builders but they also have very usefull components for high end audio. Special recommended for tubes, capacitors and chassis (Hammond).
Conrad A nice shop with lots of good components and plugs, cabels etc.
An affordable PC based measurement system but you need to have a first class studio grade sound card!
Duncanamps Very usefull software for tube lovers.

TNT audio, the real thing : Real Stereo
